how in the world are they gonna do it?
this news remind me of how melaka govern the state and federal of JKR
anyway it always look like it was corruption free....but it was not
prove me wrong somebody out there
ideally the current director of Melaka JKR was orang kampung of CM wife(back in Muar)
he have been promoted to a higher post at the federal level but was postponed due to 'instruction' from somebody i guess
the state government will never allowed people that they cant cope with to enter the state affairs
so what the heck are the Minister trying to show here, after the BMC scandal
it is impossible for the technique department like JKR and JPS to waive the instructions of BN state leaders( exception for Pakatan Rakyat state ), because the interference was so obvious
i've been in their circle....and i KNOW
yeah...hell i KNOW VERY WELL
[VIDEO] PU Syed Tegur Jefri Nichol Peluk Peminat Wanita – ‘Awak Kena Jaga
Tatasusila, Hidup Sebagai Umat Islam Ada Batasan’
Penceramah bebas, PU Syed tampil menegur pelakon sensasi Indonesia, Jefri
Nichol berikutan tindakannya memeluk peminat. Artikel Berkaitan:[VIDEO] PU
2 hours ago
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