just a hunch...Husni denied it recently...but I think they will not proceed with the plan next year
everybody are not ready even though the government said they're ready
the implementation will have hick-up here and there...people will be MAD...REALLY MAD because they have to pay the price higher
when the government said they will control the price and exempt GST on certain items...they think the people don't see how ECONOMIC-CHAIN runs in the country
i still think that the FAPIAO RECEIPT implementation in China was the best approach to collect tax from the people(more people-friendly)
so Malaysia Government...why don't you just do THAT?
[VIDEO] PU Syed Tegur Jefri Nichol Peluk Peminat Wanita – ‘Awak Kena Jaga
Tatasusila, Hidup Sebagai Umat Islam Ada Batasan’
Penceramah bebas, PU Syed tampil menegur pelakon sensasi Indonesia, Jefri
Nichol berikutan tindakannya memeluk peminat. Artikel Berkaitan:[VIDEO] PU
1 hour ago
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