LOL...WTF is msm are doing?
they think the Rakyat are fool as they are?
the decision by Selangor State government on the new pig project was approved on 30th January 2008....that was about a month before the election...who was the current government at that time....of course it was Be End
so please la ... msm dont spin anymore... the more spin you do...the more hatred against UMNO and BN will face
so...please control the DAMAGE you've done?
[VIDEO] PU Syed Tegur Jefri Nichol Peluk Peminat Wanita – ‘Awak Kena Jaga
Tatasusila, Hidup Sebagai Umat Islam Ada Batasan’
Penceramah bebas, PU Syed tampil menegur pelakon sensasi Indonesia, Jefri
Nichol berikutan tindakannya memeluk peminat. Artikel Berkaitan:[VIDEO] PU
2 hours ago
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