as per today, EPF and LUTH have declared a quite high paying dividend than the preceding years...why? my guess is that its all about election are around the corner
its fuzz me when other fund managers and investment banks cannot produced such high payouts and yet the government link agencies are so efficient than them... have the private sector 'lost their touch'?
yesterday, 2nd Finance Minister said the FDI will keep coming to Malaysia... and the Treasury estimates it will be in big bulk... so who say so?
i am a depositor for both agencies and happy about the high earnings... but 'this' doesn't reflect the actual scenes of the country
people out there are whining about the hike in goods and services prices... dont say that the government have it all under control...because we knew you dont
stop politicising things to your a consumer we have choises... so be it as a voters, do we have a choice?
main stream media have straight up the "curtain" so we wont see what out there behind the "window"
prove me wrong if you right... im not here to defend the NEP... because it was too 'assobiyyah'
Islam doesn't allowed that...why we have too?
[VIDEO] PU Syed Tegur Jefri Nichol Peluk Peminat Wanita – ‘Awak Kena Jaga
Tatasusila, Hidup Sebagai Umat Islam Ada Batasan’
Penceramah bebas, PU Syed tampil menegur pelakon sensasi Indonesia, Jefri
Nichol berikutan tindakannya memeluk peminat. Artikel Berkaitan:[VIDEO] PU
1 hour ago
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