
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

the process of malaysian democracy

with the heat of election just around the corner, tense among the political party are at it's high peak when debates are not allowed between them just like in u.s.a

the only debates authorities approved are those in the unlive telecast HUJAH by TV9

scenes are being cut and sencored for views that are not favourable to the government

im hoping for the next 10 years, my children will have the opportunity to watch parliament debate live on national electronic media

my only concern and hope are that malaysian as a whole will have their maturity in politic arena in the near future

they must not think that leaders MUST be of those who are circulated in the 'past leaders heritage' namely the prime minister of course

great talents of leadership must be praise and uphold in just not by merely rethoric propagandas

soon we'll see ... soon we'll wait

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